Auteur(s) :

Christian Courraud - Docteur en sciences sociales de l'UFP, Directeur du CERAP.

Dr en Sciences Sociales - spécialité psychologie - de l'Université Fernando Pessoa (UFP) Directeur du CERAP/UFP Professeur auxiliaire invité de l'UFP,

Isabelle Bertrand - Docteure en sciences sociales, formatrice et chercheure en thérapie des fascias et pédagogie perceptive

Professeur auxiliaire invitée de l'UFP, secétaire du CERAP

Cyril Dupuis - Assistant chercheur, formateur en thérapie manuelle des fascias.

Danis Bois - Professeur agrégé, Docteur en sciences de l'éducation, Fondateur du CERAP

Professeur cathédratique invité de l'Université Fernando Pessoa, Psychopédagogue de la perception, Chercheur en sciences de l'éducation


Fascia is richly endowed with sensory nerve endings, including nociceptors. Soft tissue manipulations are often used to alleviate pain [3]. DBM fasciatherapy is a soft tissue manual therapy, and a body∕mind integrated approach, which has been successfully used to improve fibromyalgia patients’ experience of pain. This study aimed to explore the practitioners' perspective on the effectiveness of DBM fasciatherapy on pain.


This study surveyed 446 French physiotherapists who where also trained DBM fasciatherapists. An online (website) survey was conducted using a self-administered, customized, non-validated questionnaire.

It had two closed questions (Likert scale) to evaluate improvements (1. No improvement, 2. Little improvement, 3. Important improvement, 4.Very important improvement) in their opinion, about the effectiveness of reduction in physical and mental pain.

It had also two open question about for which type(s) of pain there was most and less improvement. Respondents were able to give a maximum of 6 responses and were able to answer "none".


Only the 238 (53%) fully completed forms were analysed.

1. Physical and suffering pain improvement


Physical Pain


Physical Pain


Mental Suffering


Mental Suffering


No improvement (1) 0 0 2 0,8%
Little improvement (2) 10 4,2% 36 15,1%
Important improvement (3) 144 60,5% 105 44,1%
Very important improvement (4) 84 35,3% 95 39,9%
Total 238 100% 238 100%


2. Most improved Pathologies

All respondents indicated having noticed an improvement on at least one pathology. 51.5% (n = 129) of them report not having improvement on at least one condition. We can estimated that 46% (n = 109) of respondents obtained an improvement in all the pathologies they face in their daily practice.
Their opinion of improvement was the best for : headaches (n=110, 46.2%), neck pain (n=82, 34.5%), acute low back pain (n=76, 31.9%), chronic low back pain (n=47, 19.7%), and migraines (n=37, 15.5%)


DBM Fasciatherapy practioners significantly improve their efficiency both physical pain and mental suffering confirming the body∕mind dimension of this manual therapy. This study highlights which types of pain appear to improve most the physiotherapist practice and particulary shows a characteristic effectiveness on pain of spinal and head.
This study confirms the interest of physiotherapists for fascia in the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases and shows that DBM fasciatherapy could improve physiotherapists' effectiveness.

Christian Courraud
Isabelle Bertrand
Cyril Dupuis
Danis Bois